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character uberich adventsinners advent sinners UAS galgame visualnovel visual novel VN AVG ADV adventure game soundnovel 18 anime 神罪降临 神罪降臨 アドベントシナーズ アドベント シナーズ ユーバーイッチ universe evolves lovers eternal love NBDR NBDRGames

Iron-fist old man

Trant Chirac

Trant is a seasoned veteran who have served in different troops for decades. He is the confidant of Johnster. Trant joined the army when he was 18 and was quickly promoted. Now he is the commander of the entire war zone. His swift promotion was not only a result of his outstanding service but also the backroom deals he's made. Many think the most obvious reason is the support he's received from the high-standing officials from enja for the past 24 years.

Appearing in book 3.

Age: 57 y

Gender: Male

Bust: -

DOB: Aug 31

Height: 181 cm

BP: 8.8/12.0 kpa

Waist: -

Weight: 72 kg

HR: 68 bpm

Hip: -



is a visual novel developed by NBDR Games.

© 2025 SageZX, NBDR Games. All rights reserved.


The universe evolves 
with lovers 
and their eternal love.

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